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Inoapps Outturn Planning

Helping you make well informed decisions to increase construction project profitability

Increase control of project management and projections

Construction projects are carefully planned and budgeted before they are carried out, but in the lifecycle of a project many changes can occur that impact the ultimate financial outcome or project outturn. Assessing the consequences of those changes, particularly in large-scale projects, is a critical and complex activity that impacts satisfactory delivery for all parties.

Calculate financial futures based on current conditions

Inoapps Outturn Planning optimizes the response to this challenge by providing a simple and easy to use solution that calculates the financial future based on current conditions entered into the app. It allows Engineering and Construction organizations to review the day-to-day, high-level financial status of construction projects and enables informed decision-making leading to greater control and improved profitability.

What will Inoapps Outturn Planning do for you?

  • Provides increased control of the delivery cycle
  • Enables better understanding of the current and projected financial position of projects
  • Facilitates effective management of the impact of variations and change on projects
  • Allows effective management of the risks and opportunities that arise within projects

How can we help?