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Inoapps Services

Oracle Assessments

Ensure you are getting the best value from your Oracle investment

“Inoapps’ consultants have worked expertly with our team to help us leverage our investment in Oracle Cloud and we know this is the beginning of a long and successful partnership.”
Judy Ammann, Financial Controller, Enterprise Offshore Drilling

Whether you’re preparing for a digital transformation initiative, getting ready for an upgrade, or want to make sure you’re getting full value from your Oracle technology, understanding your current Oracle investment is the first stage in any project.

With an Oracle assessment, we will provide you with a clear inventory of your current Oracle estate so that you can confidently plan for the future with the information you need for your internal business case.

What will an Inoapps Oracle Assessment do for you?

  • Help you understand if you’re getting best value for money from your Oracle investments
  • Quantify the work required to get to a required state, whether you’re looking at a single application or a large-scale initiative like an upcoming merger
  • Clarify where you are today as the starting point for your next project, whether hosting, enhancing, or replacing your systems
  • Identify areas to improve system or software or address known challenges

Our Oracle Assessment services include

Technology Assessment

The technology that underpins your applications is a critical factor in being able to support the business.

Fundamentals such as application performance, availability and security require the right technology stack, and the capabilities of technology are always advancing with each new release that becomes available.

Inoapps will take an application-wide perspective of your deployed technology and assess how well it meets your fundamental requirements.

As part of your Oracle assessment, we will recommend and, if required, deliver achievable improvements along with changes to current processes to maintain environments in an optimum condition through regular maintenance.

We will also highlight benefits that can be achieved from the latest software versions and related products in order to outline a roadmap for the future.  

Find out about our Oracle Technology & Infrastructure services

Platform Assessment

How well does your existing platform meet your requirements and would a move to cloud really deliver the benefits it promises?

Our platform assessments can take a single application or enterprise-wide approach to build a clear understanding of your current technology platform.

Using this baseline approach and having captured an understanding of your individual technical and commercial considerations, we can then deliver clear recommendations for your future platform. 

Whether the future platform is on-premises, cloud-based or a hybrid model, we will highlight the achievable benefits of the options and the requirements of the transition. We can further assist in the development of ROI and TCO studies.

Armed with real insights, the case for change becomes clearer and better informed.

Read about our Hybrid Cloud expertise

Cloud Applications Assessment

Are you getting the promised innovation from your Cloud Application implementation?

Often we’re approached by customers after they have moved to Cloud Applications because feel underwhelmed with the results. We refer to this as a ‘lights on only’ implementation, where the configuration is basic and generic and doesn’t meet all the customer’s needs.

An Oracle Cloud Applications assessment will take the form of understanding your needs and looking again at the configuration to recommend changes to improve your ROI.

And even a great implementation can’t stand still with an application that delivers continuous innovation several times a year. This new functionality is delivered by Oracle switched off and an assessment can show what you have missed that can now add value.

This is equally true if your organization had changed through M&A or growth and you want to understand which previously unneeded functionality will be useful today.

Read about our Oracle Cloud Applications expertise

Oracle E-Business Suite Assessment & Roadmapping

Many organizations operate using Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) successfully today but are confused by the messages around moving to cloud.

Our approach looks at both your current state, and which destination will work best for your organization. There is no wrong answer, providing you have assessed your needs against the options to come to an informed decision.

This may include staying on Oracle E-Business Suite in-house, running EBS on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or Private Cloud, or moving to Oracle Cloud Applications.

Your route to your desired end state depends on where you start–your current apps, their standard and customized functionality, and the interdependencies with the rest of your IT estate.

The Oracle assessment will include your technical CEMLI (Customization, Extension, Modification, Localization and Integration), platform and data portfolio, and recommendations to retire or improve.

Read about our Oracle E-Business Suite expertise

Hyperion Assessment & Roadmapping

Many organizations use Hyperion successfully today but are confused by the messages around moving to cloud.

Our Oracle assessment approach looks at both your current state, and which destination works best for your organization. There’s no wrong answer providing you have assessed your needs against your options and can clearly articulate the rationale for your decision.

This may include staying on Hyperion in-house, running Hyperion on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or Private Cloud, or moving to Oracle Cloud EPM.

Read about our Hyperion expertise

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