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Inoapps Services

Oracle Technology & Infrastructure

Maximize the performance, resilience and commercials of the Oracle infrastructure you rely on

Gartner Market Guide for OCI 2023

If you’ve built up a large Oracle technology estate and are paying ongoing support costs for unused capacity, you aren’t alone. Or perhaps you haven’t upgraded, updated or patched in a long time and have missed critical capability and security enhancements. All of which adds up to infrastructure investments that aren’t delivering their full potential.

At Inoapps, we take a view across the entire Oracle landscape, from commercials through to patches. With our expertise, we can help you maximize the performance, resilience and security of your Oracle technology and infrastructure so you get all you can from your investment.

Our Oracle Technology & Infrastructure services give you

  • Proven Oracle technology expertise. The multi-disciplinary Inoapps team of seasoned Oracle consultants has battled challenges big and small to bring our customers real savings, value and watertight strategic decisions around Oracle infrastructure.
  • Full Oracle Technology lifecycle support. We sell, implement and support the full spectrum of Oracle infrastructure, whether as part of a full transformation project or as individual elements as you need them.
  • Oracle commercials as well as infrastructure expertise. We look at projects and problems holistically, considering financial as well as technical drivers, and can ‘zero out’ the cost to unlock budget for new projects.  
  • An independent Oracle-only voice offering impartial advice. We focus on ensuring you get the best value from Oracle, with Oracle commercials experts here to assist with unravelling the complexities surrounding spend and licensing.


Our services include

Advisory services

As a long-term Oracle partner, Inoapps brings a wealth of practical, real-world experience to all our engagements. This experience underpins our advisory services. Delivered by Oracle technology specialists, we’re here to help you understand the available and recommended course of action to address your challenges, along with the benefits and implications of the changes. 

Our advisory services include, but are not limited to:

  • Health checks
  • Technology roadmaps
  • Cloud readiness assessments
  • Modernization and improvement
  • Database consolidation
  • Licensing and commercial analysis
  • Technology upgrades

Asset optimization

Are you getting the maximum return from your Oracle technology investment? 

Oracle technology estates can become sprawling, intricate and costly. With large amounts of hardware and software procured over time, an ever-changing licensing and product landscape, and the varying usage, implementation, and strategic direction of different customers, it’s easy to understand why.

Our Oracle Asset Optimization service provides analysis of the contractual, licensing, and technical elements of an estate to highlight potential changes, areas of concern, and how to best manage  your software, support, and cloud subscriptions.

Cloud Move & Improve

Over the years, Inoapps has successfully moved a large number of  customers into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), running a range of applications including Oracle E-Business Suite and non-Oracle applications. 

We offer a range of services to help you both move your applications to OCI and improve the solution by taking full advantage of the flexibility and functionality available.

Our Move & Improve services include:

  • Cloud readiness assessment
  • Oracle technology upgrades
  • Performance analysis
  • Migration planning and delivery
  • Management and maintenance improvement

IaaS to PaaS migrations

When businesses first move into cloud, it’s often to take advantage of the price performance benefits of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) compared to ongoing investment in on-premises deployments, while still continuing to run the same on-premises software.  

Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) also offers the ability to benefit from Platform as a Service (PaaS), which can simplify and standardize your environments and reduce the effort required to manage and maintain your technology stack. Many existing on-premises products can be delivered using PaaS, including Oracle Databases, Integration, Identity Management, and Analytics.

Commercially, the move to PaaS will normally introduce the option to move to a License Included subscription model, which replaces the need for product licenses and support agreements and allows you to only pay for what you use.

Inoapps OCI expertise can help you navigate the options and plan a successful migration from IaaS to PaaS. We can also advise on the best commercial approach for your individual circumstances.

Linux & Open Source

Inoapps’ technical specialists have worked with a wide range of Linux distributions and both Oracle and non-Oracle open source technologies, and we offer a range of advisory and build services for customers looking to deploy them in areas including:

  • Containerization and DevOps
  • Open Source databases
  • Oracle Linux
  • Application development


If you’re like many businesses, you may not have touched your underlying Oracle on-premises infrastructure for a long time and are perhaps even running things you no longer need. Modernizing, consolidating and improving your Oracle landscape may feel like a massive task, but it can be done without a major budget or long-term spend commitment.

Inoapps can review your existing Oracle environment and identify opportunities for modernization, including infrastructure, databases, middleware and other software deployed. Newer releases can bring added security, resilience, performance and other benefits. We will help you identify these to support the case for change and assist with prioritizing the activities that deliver greatest benefit.

Patching & Security

Ensuring environments are secure is critical to delivering business applications. Vulnerabilities in the underlying technology stack can introduce risks of security incidents including data loss. But the risk can be mitigated by regular assessments and patching to address identified vulnerabilities.

Inoapps has an experienced security team who can carry out reviews of your environments and report on any issues and vulnerabilities identified, along with actions to address the findings. As part of one-off or ongoing Managed Services, we will assess new critical patch updates and their impact on your systems and then apply the appropriate patches to mitigate the risk and improve the security of the system.

How can we help?