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Inoapps Services

Strategic Consulting

Achieve the business outcomes you’re looking for from your Oracle initiative

“We chose Inoapps as our partner for change because of their insights into organisational culture and the psychology of change. They combined this with their knowledge of local government to define a high quality, creative and engaging change journey.”
Mark Hobson, Program Director Fusion, London Boroughs of Newham & Havering project

With any large software investment, once the hard work of selecting the right solution to realize your business outcomes is complete, attention moves to how to make those outcomes a reality:

  • How to achieve your business case and ensure your business model aligns with Oracle Modern Best Practice
  • How to achieve measurable success and demonstrate the value of your investment
  • How to make sure you deliver quality to your teams and stakeholders
  • And how to bring all your people—employees, customers and suppliers—on the journey with you to ensure engagement, understanding and adoption

At Inoapps, we have a dedicated team of specialists who focus on optimizing business outcomes. We’re here to help you achieve your business case by identifying what measurable success looks like and how the Oracle platform will enable this.

What will Inoapps Strategic Consulting do for you?

  • Create the program narrative that tells the story of the journey you are on and provides your people with an anchor to adopt new mindsets and behaviors
  • Provide experts in business optimization and quality to fill any gaps you have within your organization to meet your project obligations
  • Create a quality framework for the project with robust governance to ensure that everything released is fit for purpose and aligned with your business outcomes
  • Manage your user adoption journey, maximizing engagement and leaving your people with the skills and knowledge they need to be effective

Inoapps Strategic Consulting services include

Strategic consulting

Our strategic consulting team can help you with:

Business case development and benefits management plans to help you analyze and articulate your business case with a clearly defined ROI and underpinning benefits management model, to ensure you realize the benefits both during and beyond the program timeframe.

Outcome mapping. While data and numbers can help many individuals make decisions, others need to see beyond the numbers to picture the reality of the business case once the future state is achieved. Here we help you map out your business outcomes across business objectives, operational effectiveness and the KPI scorecard. This will allow you to visualize challenges, how they will be resolved, and how we will measure success.

Leadership frameworks and leadership coaching. A transformation program can be daunting for even the most seasoned of leaders. Our leadership framework and coaching services help you understand the journey you’re about to take. We will equip you with tools and techniques that will allow you to thrive in your role of Senior Responsible Owner or Business Process Owner and help your wider leadership team understand their responsibilities and how they support your success.

Organizational change management

Our organizational change management team can help you with:

Change leadership. Our Change Architect provides leadership for the change journey by defining the journey and the program narrative—the story that will guide the organization to the future state.

Vision alignment to establish a clear understanding of the vision and key messages associated with the initiative and ensure this is embedded throughout all activities.

Business impact assessments detailing the business impacts of aligning to Oracle Modern Best Practice, including implications on people, policy and process, with documentation to inform the change journey.

Stakeholder mapping from an interest and influence perspective to provide a heatmap understanding of the level of change or impact for each group and how much engagement is needed to manage the journey.

Oracle Operating Model, providing a comprehensive map of what your world will look like on the Oracle platform. Our Oracle Operating Model aligns your business to the Oracle Business Flows and provide a blueprint for your team structure, competencies, SLAs and policies.

Stakeholder engagement and user adoption strategy to define the journey for your stakeholders, from awareness to mindset and behavior change, including engagement activities, key communication points, education and business readiness assessments.

Business alignment approach. Looking at the business blueprint to establish how best to align the business to the new operating models and procedures, including business processes, KPIs, policies, restructures and management reporting.

Business process re-engineering, including business process mapping, along with Day in the Life persona maps to help understand the learning needs of your users.


Our adoption team can help you with:

Learning needs analysis to clearly articulate who needs to be trained, what they need to be trained in, when they need to be trained, and the most effective method of training.

Learning journeys, defined by role rather than topic and starting with understanding a Day in the Life of a particular stakeholder group to equip them for success.

Training to ensure both every day and occasional users understand how to do their roles once the system change happens. Training can be delivered with guided support in a formal setting like a classroom or through self-service.

Guided learning. Digital adoption tools are the future of embedded learning and are perfect for training occasional or dispersed users. At Inoapps, we work with a range of guided learning tools, including Oracle Guided Learning, Whatfix and Walkme.

Engagement with stakeholders to ensure they understand the upcoming changes and to work on changing mindsets or behaviors, where needed, for them to adopt new ways of working. We can help you design and deliver the right adoption journey through communications, events, and business readiness check ins. We can provide engagement videos, count down communications, and much more.

Change Agents and advocates. To fully embed new ways of working and support your stakeholders over an extended period, a strong network of internal Change Agents and advocates is invaluable. We have toolkits and templates to help you to establish a network of trusted and effective Change Agents to support your people once the project is complete.

Customer readiness

Our customer readiness team can help you with:


At Inoapps, we pride ourselves in our ability to mobilize and execute strong test process governance and procedures. Our experienced testing team offers a wide range of services, from testing management and execution to the provision of test scripts. Our level of support depends on what you need. Services include:

  • Test strategy development
  • End-to-end test management
  • Test script preparation
  • Test execution
  • Test analysis and defect management
  • Recovery and remediation management

Quality Assurance

We offer three independent project health checks at key stage gates to ensure there is full transparency of project status, risk profile and remediation plans to get things back on track. Each health check is conducted by an experienced professional and created in conjunction with the project team and the project or program board.

  1. Initiation readiness assessment: Are you ready to commence the project? Do you have clear sight of the risk profile, and do you have the right team in place?
  2. UAT readiness assessment: Are you ready to transition from system and integration testing to UAT? Do you have a clearly defined test strategy? Are the test plans in place and key resources agreed? What testing tool will you use? Have you prepared your scripts and data?
  3. Operational readiness assessment: Are you ready to transition from project state to live operational use? Are your business stakeholders prepared and in possession of the knowledge and capability to run the solution once the project has closed down? Do you have the right go-live cut over plans in place? Do you have a solid set of countdown communications? Do you understand your decommission plans?

How can we help?