Are you seeing red yet?

30 April 2024
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Welcome to Redwood, Oracle’s new UX

By Gary Ayling
VP of ERP & HCM at Inoapps

‘Seeing red’ indicates an activation of your fight-or-flight response, or a physiological state that occurs involuntarily when triggered by a stressful situation. Sounds like a typical response to an Oracle Quarterly Release update… 

But recent releases have included a different red. One we all need to be ready to embrace: Redwood. If you aren’t already talking about it, then it’s time to start, and we here at Inoapps can help.

What is Redwood?

Redwood is the latest evolution of Oracle’s user experience (UX). It aims to modernize the user interface and improve the overall UX across Oracle Cloud Applications. 

Redwood releases for 2024 are focused on HCM and Procurement, with some adoption becoming mandatory by early next year. The new Redwood UX will impact system processes and existing extensions.

As you’d expect, there’s generative AI embedded, streamlined workflows for enhanced productivity, and a simplified navigation. This responsive UI also means you can enjoy the Oracle experience on a multitude of devices, including your mobile.

Why should you be talking about Redwood?

Redwood will change the look, feel and behavior of your Oracle Cloud solution. At the moment, it’s optional to upgrade, but some elements have mandatory adoption dates, such as Procurement Self Service in the 25A release. 

Get ready now for a smoother transition

Redwood brings a new way of delivering page personalization, which means migrating ‘as is’ will need some configuring.

This is also a good time to start preparing your users, getting them familiar with the new screens. Some functionality you can use currently may not be available in Redwood, so you may need to find workable solutions for now.

Redwood is the immediate future of your Oracle Cloud Applications, and this means that new fixes may not be backported to the current UX, which makes it all the more important to start thinking about your move/adoption. 

What now?

It’s simple, let’s talk. We’ll go through the key actions you need to take and where Inoapps can help. 

  • It’s important you stay informed with Oracle’s official announcements, release notes and documentation—we can help with that.
  • We can do an assessment of your current solution so you know exactly what will be impacted and what needs to be redesigned for Redwood. We’ll also look at any new features you could benefit from.
  • We’ll help you plan your migration to Redwood with a migration plan that includes necessary updates, configurations, or page personalization to ensure a smooth transition.
  • It imperative testing is carried out before making any change to your applications. We can help simulate the impact of Redwood and identify solutions to any issues, or recommended adjustments to ensure a clean deployment to your production environment.
  • We can also provide guidance on training and communication for this change, so your users can more easily adapt to the new user experience, features and processes.

Start seeing red with Inoapps. Contact us today. 

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